California is mandating use of embedded chips

May 20, 2014

The California Senate is about to vote on legislation (CA SB 1351) that will mandate the use of embedded chips in all bank-issued credit and debit cards used for card-present purchases made in the state, starting April 1, 2016. The ETA opposes this legislation and asks that you contact your California State Senator today.

This legislation could be passed by the Senate as early as this Thursday, and your help is needed. It will stifle free market innovation. Passing a single state technology standard will open the floodgate to additional state responses and create an expensive, unsafe, and inefficient myriad of technology standards.

Please send an e-mail to your California State Senator today. Learn more at
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Questions? Please contact me or ETA’s Senior Manager of Government Affairs, Jaime Graham at
With gratitude,

Scott Talbott
Senior Vice President of Government Affairs
Electronic Transactions Association