Complus Data Innovations, Inc. (CDI) welcomes Community College of Baltimore County as a new client.

September 18, 2014

Community College of Baltimore County Implements New Parking Technology
New Parking System will improve efficiencies

Tarrytown, NY, September 18, 2014 – Complus Data Innovations, Inc. (CDI), a leader in Parking Enforcement Technology and Citation Processing solutions, is pleased to welcome Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) as a new client. CDI has provided CCBC with handheld ticket writers for parking enforcement, tracking software, real-time reporting, DMV lookups, delinquent noticing and web based payments.

William Davis, Assistant Director CCBC Department of Public Safety stated, “Last week CCBC went live with our new Complus parking management system. It is our belief that the new system will make our parking regulations more efficient and fair for our community. Additionally, we are confident that the use of Complus and the flagging of MVA records will increase our parking compliance proficiency. Complus’ staff made implementation and training a smooth process and we are looking forward to continuing our relationship with Complus in the future.”

About CDI
Complus Data Innovations, Inc. (CDI) is a recognized leader in the field of Parking Ticket Management solutions. A full service provider of products and services to over 200 municipalities, universities, and airports nationwide, CDI offers the proprietary FastTrack™ ticket management software, state-of-the-art hardware including handheld ticket writers, and 24/7 “Signature Service” customer support. The company’s fully integrated suite of products and services also includes onsite training, delinquent noticing, nationwide DMV lookups, TicketView Imaging service, online appeals and secure web-based payment capabilities. For more information, visit, or on Twitter @ComplusData.