2014 Parking Authority Annual Report Available

February 06, 2015

This year’s report is a Parking 101 for readers

BALTIMORE CITY, February 6, 2015 — The Parking Authority of Baltimore City has made it’s 2014 Annual Report available online to download. http://archive.baltimorecity.gov/Government/QuasiAgencies/ParkingAuthority/Downloads.aspx

This year’s annual report aims to educate readers on what drives the Parking Authority to do what it does.

Featured in the report is an explanation of how parking meters help short term parkers and the businesses who rely on available parking for their customers, how parking garages and lots serve the needs of long term parkers and how they fit together.

Other articles illustrate how parking demand management tools such as car sharing, transit and bicycling help meet the parking needs of everyone; how requiring payment from all parkers, even those with disability placards and plates helps increase the availability of parking spaces; and the goal of residential permit parking.

As the Board Chair of the Parking Authority, Peter Auchincloss, says in the report, “Most of us drive. At the end of every trip comes a question we must answer – where should I park? We hope this year’s annual report sheds some light on the subject of parking and maybe drives you to think (and park) a little differently.”

For additional information, contact:
Public Relations Manager
Tiffany James at (443) 573-2820

About the Parking Authority
The mission of the Parking Authority of Baltimore City is to find, or create, and implement parking solutions for Baltimore City, and to be the resource on all things “parking” in Baltimore. We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that oversees the management of all Baltimore City-owned parking assets.

For more information,visit http://www.baltimorecity.gov/Government/QuasiAgencies/ParkingAuthority.aspx.