EPA Congress 2015 – Congress program now available
The program of the 17th EPA Congress which takes place from 23 -25 September 2015 in Berlin promises an interesting assortment of current and future issues of the parking industry.
Two keynote presentations ring in the beginning of the first day of the congress. Prof. Petra Schäfer, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, presents a comparative research of parking policies in European cities. Ralf Bender, APCOA PARKING Holdings GmbH, discusses the challenges of the digitalization process and the role of the parking operator in his presentation “From brick to click“. Afterwards, the winners of the prestigious EPA Awards in the categories new constructions, renovations, on-street parking, innovation and marketing will be announced.
The second day is dedicated to the topics “parking in urban mobility” and “parking in the digital age”. Practical examples from the cities of Barcelona, Crakow and Amsterdam serve as an illustration. Besides, the EU funded project “Push and Pull” about parking management and incentives as successful and proven strategies for energy-efficient urban transport is being introduced. New technologies for payment processes as well as Real Time Parking Data Management are two other featured topics. The day ends with a presentation on EPA’s contribution to the current developments.
On the third day of the congress, one session focusses on “Parking and human behavior”. The congress closes with the announcement of the venue of the 18th EPA Congress 2017.
The registration for the congress and for the social program for accompanying persons is available online.
The congress fees also include a visit of Parken, the only German trade exhibition, which exclusively covers the planning, construction and operating of parking areas.
Detailed information including the online registration form, the congress program and the exhibitor list are available at www.epacongress.eu.
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