Eimpound.com aims to increase the efficiency of the parking industry through free online notifications.
Eimpound.com is a free service that allows parking administrators and parking enforcement to easily contact lien holders and insurers. Parking enforcement can quickly notify vehicle lien holders by comparing basic vehicle information against Eimpound’s comprehensive database.
Users also have the option to automatically compare VIN and tag information on a scheduled basis for increased efficiency.
Free electronic notification has been proven to reduce costs and boost vehicle retrieval rates. It can be used along with or instead of mail notification, as most state and local laws still require certified mail notification to vehicle owners.
Either way, users still have a large number of vehicles that are abandoned or where the lien holder and registered owner is unknown, and the lien holder / registered owner retrieving the vehicle or paying owed fees are important to parking administrators. It’s also helpful for users to be able to show proof of the lender / registered owner / insurer receiving a notification.
The team behind Eimpound believes that free electronic notification will eventually replace the expensive and ineffective method of looking up lien holders and insurers through DMVS and sending notification through the mail.
Eimpound allows those needing to notify to electronically notify lien holders and insurers for free and receive an email confirmation that the lien holder has been notified once notification occurs.
For or more information, visit http://eimpound.com
Eimpound.com is a service of Locator Technologies, a company dedicated to increasing the efficiency of the tow industry.
Major finance and insurance companies provide vehicle and tag information to Locator Technologies so they can be notified of impound or transfer activity. Locator’s secure databases are continually updated with data from public sources and private entities such as tow providers. For more information, visit https://www.locatortechnologies.com