BD Loops Celebrates 14 Years in Business!
BD Loops celebrated their 14th year in business with cupcakes and cheers. They also celebrated another year as the #1 loop supplier in the gate, door and fence industry. BD Loops has continued to thrive with outstanding products and a reputation of great technical support. Continued expansion has led BD Loops to be available in over 400 locations across the U.S., Canada and even as far as Columbia and Australia. They have also expanded in opportunities to offer their “Everything You Need to Know about Loops” Seminar, creating loop experts wherever they go.
It has been a big year for BD Loops at the beginning of 2015, BD Loops introduced the Micro Torch, a hand-held micro torch and soldering iron ideal for soldering/tinning electrical connections on the field. Tinning the loop connections is a must with inductance loops, wire nuts are just not enough. Save on repeat service calls by soldering your electrical loop connections, running out to a jobsite that is experiencing intermittent loop problems just because the wires are not making a solid electrical connection is a waste of time and money.
A few months later brought the new BD Loop Goop, a polyurethane loop sealant with flat 3/16” sealant tip that allows installers to seal loops in one pass from the bottom up! Each case of BD Loop Goop comes with a Sealant Saver – a durable PVC cap that makes an air and water tight seal on your tubes of BD Loop Goop and allows you to save left over BD Loop Goop for future installations.
Then, later in the year, BD Loops brought out their new megohmmeter. Megohmmeters are the only meter than can test for the most common loop issue – a nick in the insulation causing the loop to short to ground. This is why they are referred to as “Insulation Testers”. BD Loops analog megohmmeter gives installers more information than the more common light up megohmmeters. The pin will point to the megohm reading – giving you a number you can track and monitor to determine if the loop is shorting to ground.
More big things are on the horizon for BD Loops starting with a move to a larger location. New product lines to expedite and simplify loop installations can also be expected. BD Loops is looking forward to the future as they carry on their legacy as the #1 loop supplier for the door, gate, and parking industries.
To learn more about the products BD Loops has to offer visit: