Urbiotica manages the guidance of Audi’s 5,000 parking spaces in Ingolstadt with 22 sensors
Urbiotica manages the guidance of Audi’s 5,000 parking spaces in Ingolstadt with 22 sensors
The Audi factory located in Ingolstadt -Germany- has a parking lot with a capacity of more than 5,000 spaces. With so many parking spaces, a system needed to be implemented that would optimise the use of the spaces and reduce the vehicle flow caused by cars looking for free spaces, so that workers would not waste any time looking for parking and could go to work more relaxed and satisfied.
Urbiotica’s proposal is based on the installation of 22 wireless parking capacity sensors to detect vehicles entering and leaving each sector, in order to communicate the number of free spaces. Being an area with delimited entrances and exits, the guidance project could be deployed with only 22 sensors to monitor the 5,000 spaces.
Parking in Audi is now far smoother and quicker. Thanks to the improvements introduced, congestion has disappeared and vehicle flow in the parking area is now more efficient. This was how the CEO of MSR-Traffic Harald Schmitt, our partner in Germany, explained it. “Urbiotica’s solution is also a very good system in terms of cost effectiveness”, said Schmitt, and added, “Audi and LGI are delighted to have a dynamic parking guidance system which they are thinking about extending”.
For further information: urbiotica.com
Tania Josa. Communication Manager
93 169 18 65