INRIX Selected by The U.S. Federal Highway Administration for National Traffic Data Set
INRIX Selected by The U.S. Federal Highway Administration for National Traffic Data Set
State DOTs and MPOs will use INRIX travel time data to establish and report on roadway performance
Kirkland, WA – June 6, 2017 – INRIX, Inc., the world leader in connected car services and transportation analytics, today announced that its traffic data will be used by the United States Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and state and regional agencies to assess travel reliability, congestion and emissions.
FHWA’s National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) is used by states to monitor system performance. Beginning in July 2017, all state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations can use INRIX travel time data to establish performance targets and report on progress. NPMRDS provides comprehensive and consistent data for passenger and commercial freight roadway performance across the National Highway System, as well as over 25 key Canadian and Mexican border crossings. NPMRDS is defined as the baseline dataset to meet the newly established federal congestion and freight performance reporting regulation.
“We are proud to supply the underlying traffic data that will be used to monitor, measure and improve many of our nation’s key roadways,” said Scott Sedlik, vice president and general manager – global public sector at INRIX. “This federal win is further proof of the breadth and quality of our world-class traffic services.”
INRIX provides the widest coverage and most accurate information available by using advanced fusion technologies to integrate the full range of traffic data sources to create high quality traffic services. INRIX aggregates GPS probe data from a wide array of commercial vehicle fleets, connected cars and mobile apps.
INRIX has partnered with the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) at the University of Maryland and other industry leaders to support NPMRDS through 2022. As the prime contractor, CATT Lab will operate the portal that transportation planners will use to analyze, visualize and understand road performance. INRIX and UMD have a long and successful partnership in delivering projects and services to public agencies, including the I-95 Corridor Coalition’s Vehicle Probe Project. Texas A&M Transportation Institute will assist INRIX in establishing and maintaining high quality NPMRDS GIS location referencing network files based on FHWA’s Highway Performance Monitoring System’s NHS network. KMJ Consulting, Inc., also a contributor to the I-95 project, will triage customer support and aid in project management.
“INRIX real-time traffic services will help public agencies actively measure, report and manage traffic,” said CATT Lab Director Michael Pack. “The quality of the data plays a fundamental and necessary role in NPMRDS to accurately assess our nation’s roadways.”
INRIX is the leading provider of real-time, historical and predictive traffic information with widespread XD and TMC coverage across the U.S. INRIX collects anonymous, real-time GPS data from more than 300 million connected vehicles and devices globally. With real-time information on more than five million miles of road in 45 countries, INRIX is the preferred provider of driving intelligence for leading automakers and transportation agencies, including Audi, BMW, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, more than 60 U.S. Departments of Transportation, Highways England and the Denmark Road Directorate.
State DOTs and MPOs interested in learning more about the new NPMRDS can register for a FHWA-hosted webinar scheduled for July 20, 2017 from 1-3pm ET.
INRIX is the global leader in connected car services and transportation analytics. Leveraging big data and the cloud, INRIX delivers comprehensive services and solutions to help move people, cities and businesses forward. Our partners are automakers, governments, mobile operators, developers, advertisers, as well as enterprises large and small.