Take the pain out of permit parking with Inugo: IPI, Booth 835
Take the pain out of permit parking with Inugo
Inugo has been designed to make your life easier, parkers can now Book, Access your facility and Pay for Monthly parking all from their mobile phone and you can manage the whole process from a single portal.
Proximity cards commonly used by monthly permit customers are notoriously difficult to manage, time consuming to administer and too easily lost, shared or issued improperly and auditors spend many hours tracking and accounting for them.
Inugo eliminates proximity cards and users access your facility using the Inugo app on their mobile phone.
Inugo can seamlessly integrate with existing PARCS systems with the Bluetooth Intelligent Gate Controller and provide one billing platform for all your monthly permits. For ungated surface parking lots, Inugo’s advanced geo-fencing technology creates a virtual boundary so that drivers who enter the boundary can start a parking session with the touch of a button on the Inugo mobile app. The user’s credit card will be charged when the parking session has ended.
“Inugo is the first to deliver a seamless way for your monthly permit holders to book, access and pay for monthly parking on their phone” said Sam Barclay, CEO “by giving customers what they want, the ability to self-service, parking operators can eliminate access cards and manual administration from the monthly permit process”
Inugo is the developer of the Inugo Bluetooth Intelligent Gate Controller, the Inugo App and the Inugo Operator portal, which together make frictionless parking a reality in gated or ungated parking facilities.
To find out more, come and see us at IPI, Booth 835. See the product in action and go into the draw to win a free trial.
The Inugo App is available for iOS and Android users.
About Inugo:
Inugo is a startup founded to revolutionize the way that we Find, Park and Pay for parking. It not only offers time efficiencies and faster turnaround of stalls but it is also the only ticketless and cashless parking experience.
Parking professionals have an opportunity to utilize their under-used parking facilities and generate a revenue. Inugo offers a simple, seamless and cost effective parking management tool which allows Parking Operators to configure multiple parking facilities and add differentiated rates while catering to diverse user groups.
Inugo has recently launched its groundbreaking parking technology at four Los Angeles sites as the company begins expansion in the United States.
For more information contact:
Inugo Systems Ltd
Liz Barnett | Director of Marketing
Inugo Systems Ltd