Meter Feeder CEO Speaks to African-American Coders at All Star Code
Meter Feeder CEO Speaks to African-American Coders at All Star Code
Pittsburgh (PA)– Meter Feeder CEO Jim Gibbs was invited to speak at the non-profit All Star Codelast week. All Star Code is a New York City based non-profit that teaches African-American and Latino teenage boys how to code with the goal of turning them into entrepreneurs. The event took place on July 12th at the University of Pittsburgh School of Education in partnership with Chatham University. This was the second year that All Star Code hosted their camps in Pittsburgh.
Mr. Gibbs met with the students during the week of classes and discussed what it’s like being a programmer and entrepreneur. He discussed his experiences that led him to his current success. He shared his challenges throughout his life and career and how the students can overcome challenges of their own. The talk ended with advice on how to become future tech leaders and a question and answer session.
The City of Pittsburgh was chosen as a new city of All Star Code in 2017 thanks to its continued efforts to becoming a tech focused city since the decline of the steel industry. Amazon is even considering a new headquarters in the city. After the event, Mr. Gibbs had this to say, “It was great seeing a group of intelligent and energetic young men focused on building careers in an area that they are passionate about. I’m humbled that they would invite me to do something like this, and I’m excited to help out any way that I can in the future.” He hopes that All Star Code continues to operate in Pittsburgh.
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