Parkmobile – PPA to Expand Widely Popular meterUP Mobile Payment App

July 26, 2018





PPA to Expand Widely Popular meterUP Mobile Payment App




After launching a pilot program in December 2017, the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s hugely popular meterUP mobile payment application is now expanding city-wide and will include all coin-operated meters. “After a tremendously successful pilot program, we are delighted to be expanding this very popular and convenient mobile payment option to all kiosks and meters throughout the city. Our customers will now have the convenience of paying or adding time remotely for parking instead of having to continuously carry coins,” PPA’s Executive Director, Scott Petri said.




When initially introduced, meterUP was hailed as a PPA technological innovation aimed at improving customer service and convenience for motorists parking in Philadelphia. With over 91,000 downloads sinceDecember 2017, meterUP has been widely embraced because of its convenience and easy to use, customer-friendly application features. “As we expand this payment option, our goal is to further improve convenience and the overall parking experience in Philadelphia for all of our customers. We believemeterUP is a major step in the direction of improving customer service and convenience through innovation,” Petri said.

The meterUP app allows drivers to pay for parking with a smartphone and remotely add more time to kiosks or coin-operated parking meters. Registration and use of meterUPis easy and saves customers time and money. Users can extend parking sessions remotely and stop time early to avoid wasting unused minutes. Customized parking expiration reminders and the ability to make prepayments are also featured in meterUP.

Clearly marked signs and decals with zone numbers and directions on how to use meterUPwill be posted throughout the city over the next few weeks. meterUP will only work at kiosks or coin-operated meters where there are meterUP signs and decals with specific zone numbers. In order to avoid a ticket, app users are highly encouraged to ensure their license plate numbers are correctly entered into their app profiles while referencing the correct meterUP zone numbers when making mobile payments.

The PPA has partnered with ParkMobile, LLC to power the meterUPapp. ParkMobile, LLC is highly regarded in the industry, with years of experience and a well-deserved reputation. They are the vendor to many large cities throughout the United States, including New York City, Denver, Dallas, Washington, DC, and Miami.

“We are very excited to partner with the Philadelphia Parking Authority on this innovative program,” said Jon Ziglar, CEO of ParkMobile. “Since it launched, the meterUP app has continued to grow at a rapid pace as people all around the city have discovered a smarter way to park. We look forward to expanding our relationship with the Philadelphia Parking Authority to provide more innovative solutions for the city.”

As this mobile payment option expands city-wide, meterUP and ParkMobile will be accepted for payment of kiosk and coin-operated meter fees in Philadelphia – and conversely — meterUPmay be used for payments in any locale in the country where ParkMobile is used.

Customers are able to use meterUP by visiting, downloading it through their iOS and Android device, or by calling (877-727-5303)