Lancaster Parking Authority Installs AEDs in Garages and Facilities
Lancaster Parking Authority Installs AEDs in Garages and Facilities
LANCASTER, PA. – The Lancaster Parking Authority has installed eight automated external defibrillators (AEDs), in six garages and offices to help individuals who might experience a sudden cardiac arrest. Anyone can use the devices and individuals attempting to save a life are covered by the Good Samaritan state statute that protects them from being sued.
AEDs are medical devices that can check the rhythm of the heart and deliver electrical shocks – or defibrillation – when needed, to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest re-establish an effective heart rhythm. If a heart stops beating suddenly, an AED can be used to help prevent a death.
“In our efforts to be proactive within the community, we added AEDs to potentially save lives in our facilities,” said Larry J. Cohen, CAPP, LPA executive director, adding that 19 LPA employees have completed the AED training and have also been certified in Red Cross First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) courses.
The AEDs are available for use by trained individuals and others in an emergency. Housed in white boxes with alarms, the AEDs can be accessed by pushing open the box (alarm will continue until the door is closed). The AEDs come with step-by-step audio instructions for use in both English and Spanish. In addition, the AEDs include CPR feedback advice, for example, telling the person doing CPR to push faster or harder.
The AEDs have a visible white AED sign and are located found near stairwells and exit lanes in LPA garages:
- North Queen Street Garage, 424 N. Queen St. – Two on the bottom floor of both stairwells.
- Penn Square Garage, 25 E. Vine St. – Pedestrian entrance to the stairwell off of Duke St.
- Duke Street Garage, 150 N. Duke St. – Bottom floor of stairwell entrance from Duke St.
- East King Street Garage, 150 E. King St. – Above the stairwell from King St. entrance.
- Prince Street Garage, 111 N. Prince St. – Beside the far-right exit lane.
- Water Street Garage, 220 N. Water St. – Bottom floor of the stairwell closest to garage entrance.
- LPA Office, 30 W. Orange St. – Employee lobby.
For more information, follow the LPA Facebook page (