Ficosa, first global manufacturer to receive the European RED certification for C-V2X technology from its CarCom platform

June 19, 2019






Ficosa, first global manufacturer to receive the European RED certification for C-V2X technology from its CarCom platform




This certification is a recognition of Ficosa’s innovation in the automotive sector and a demonstration of the maturity of solutions such as its CarCom platform.

The company was also a pioneer in testing the C-V2X technology in the US intelligent cities largest pilot program.



 Ficosa, leading global provider dedicated to research, development, production and marketing of vision, safety, communication and efficiency systems for the automotive and mobility sectors, has been the first global manufacturer to receive European RED certification for its CarCom platform with Cellular-V2X technology. This platform integrates Qualcomm’s latest technology and has been certified in collaboration with Dekra Laboratories.


In words of Joan Palacín, director of the Advanced Communications Business Unit of Ficosa:

“This certification is a recognition of the dedication and all our efforts in developing and accelerating the arrival of the connected car to the market, innovating in solutions that make it possible as we already demonstrated in several pilots in 2018 integrating CarCom On Board Units in more than 500 vehicles.

We are happy to count on the full support of the best technological partners, such like Qualcomm and Dekra, which has been key to make this important achievement.”


Ficosa develops solutions for connecting cars with infrastructures and with other vehicles through the available technologies: both with DSRC (802.11p) and cellular technology (C-V2X). CarCom platform allows integrating the two connectivity options in a modular way and there is also a dual mode variant available.


In the Mobile World Congress 2019 edition held in Barcelona, the company also tested its C-V2X technology in the 5G Connected Car pilot project. Thanks to this, the different use cases based on C-V2X were put into operation in a real test environment including a 5G base station.


“For Ficosa, connectivity and safety are the main concepts for the development of autonomous driving. In this sense, V2X technology is unique because, in addition to being a first level connectivity tool, it is capable of preventing accidents, and this is vital for the future of our industry”, says Joan Palacín.


With this RED certification, Ficosa is positioned as one of the main suppliers of automotive components in collaborative systems for smart cities (C-ITS).


About Ficosa

We are a top-tier global provider devoted to the research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of advanced technology vision, safety, connectivity, and efficiency systems for the motor and mobility sectors. Our desire is to contribute to society through a commitment to technological innovation, human values, and energy efficiency. Our company was founded in 1949. Our head office is located in Barcelona (Spain) and we have production centers, engineering centers and sales offices in 19 countries in Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. In 2017 we consolidated sales of 1,208 million euros. We currently have a team of more than 10,500 employees.

The rear vision system (interior / side mirror) is Ficosa’s main business, known worldwide and recognized by the world’s leading original equipment manufacturers (OEM).


For further information:

Ficosa Communication Department:

Tel: +34- 660 20 10 20

Mònica Acero: 615 07 59 81



DEKRA has been active in the security field for more than 90 years. Founded in 1925 in Berlin, it is today one of the leading expert organizations in the world. DEKRA SE is a subsidiary of DEKRA e.V. and manages the Group’s operating business. In 2018, DEKRA generated sales of more than 3,300 million euros. Currently, the company employs more than 45,000 people in approximately 60 countries on six continents. Its services range from vehicle inspection and expert appraisals to claims services, industrial and building inspections, safety consultancy, testing and certification of products and systems, as well as training courses and temporary work.