June 08, 2020







LONDON, 7 JUNE 2020 – The government has published the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General (Amendment) Regulations 2020. This amendment, which comes into force on 22nd June 2020, allows mandatory cycle lanes to be enforced by an approved device.


This means that where roads are changed to restrict access to cycle or bus/cycle use only, councils can deploy CCTV cameras to enforce the new regime.


Videalert is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of intelligent traffic management and enforcement solutions. It is also the only company able to provide its own suite of attended, unattended and Mobile Vehicle CCTV enforcement solutions using the same intelligent digital video software platform.  Existing Videalert clients can add this new cycle lane application to the platform in short timescales.


Videalert’s hosted solution is DfT Manufacturer Certified and eliminates the need for councils to procure and deploy any equipment within their IT infrastructures or install software on local PCs for evidence pack review. It enables councils to rapidly deploy systems to enforce the new cycle lanes at the same time as the full range of moving traffic offences, Clean Air and Low Emission zones and keep clears outside schools without needing a major IT infrastructure project.


As part of the Marston Holdings group, which includes NSL and Project Centre, Videalert systems can be specified as part of a wider range of design, build and enforce solutions which include a number of transportation and enforcement services.



About Videalert

Videalert is part of Marston Holdings, the UK’s largest transportation and enforcement services group. It is also one of the UK’s leading suppliers of intelligent traffic management and enforcement solutions.  Videalert is the only company able to provide its own suite of attended, unattended, and Mobile Vehicle CCTV enforcement solutions using the same intelligent digital video software platform.  The platform supports the widest range of traffic management andenforcement applications as well as clean air and low emission zones using the same infrastructure.  This unique, future-proofed solution combines sophisticated video analytics with ANPR and offers a full range of deployment options including wired LAN, Wi-Fi LAN and 4G WAN as well as supporting all analogue and ONVIF compliant digital megapixel cameras.  For further information, please visit or contact: