just a simple act of refection – Respect: Slow down, step back, correct – the price of mistakes – ParkNews.biz March 15th – 21st, 2022
Respect: Slow down, step back, check your work – the price of mistakes – ParkNews.biz March 15th – 21st, 2022
Elvis sang:
“Wise men say
Only fools rush in …”
It seems we rush in today. We don’t pay attention . We don’t listen. We make constant mistakes. Without realizing how much these mistakes cost us. And everyone around us. Narcissism is the pandemic.
W are so busy talking our virtues we forget to pay attention to the virtues of others and what is.
The other day, my green Frame Jeans went from LA and its destination to LA, to Kansas City. When I called Fed Ex after two weeks, not tracking my package, they called me back and said KS. I said why? They said, a human error, “we dropped the ball.”
This post was going to be different. However, I have decided to focus on moving forward and harvesting the lessons of my mistakes.
I take Italian – as learn Italian. I noticed if I am not focussed, I make mistakes. Those mistakes steal my time.
Sadly we work with people who are full of excuses. They steal our time. They have a dog who ate their homework. It is time for all of us to focus. Pay less attention to our smart phones and instead being attuned to smarting our brains.
I ask the leaders in our industry, to keep us responsible for our focus. Sadly the only way we can get it back, is through effort and mindfulness. Never ever in the history of work place we hired people who do not care and who are not truthful. The shortage of workers might make us hire people who don’t take their work seriously. And as Julie Dixon said, one bad apple makes the whole cart bad.
Thank you.
Astrid Ambroziak
Editor, ParkNews.biz
Creative Director
Parking Today
310 390 5277 ext 9