Tag Archives for: Kathleen Laney

How mobility is changing the way we work – Kathleen Laney, Laney Solutions

January 11, 2016


Laney Solutions


January 2016 brought big change to my life.  My husband, David, and I relocated from the NYC area to Denver, Colorado.  Our family, friends and business associates all asked, ‘But WHY??’ Our answer was something they were certainly not expecting.



After starting my company in 2014, it quickly became apparent I did not need to live in one particular location. My clients span across the US, Canada and in countries around the world.  I do most of my business via phone or online. As my business has grown, my schedule and workload became more than one person could handle.  With David’s unique skill set in search and online marketing, his skills transfer to the needs of our business and know works as a consultant. This further enabled us to move to an area that was less expensive and would provide new experiences.

While our circumstances are certainly not the norm today, you will see more and more people taking advantage of opportunities like this and the benefits of the new world of work.

The concept of work and how we engage in it is changing. Last year we saw Millenials surpassing Generation X as the largest generation in the American workforce. These younger workers are looking for different things out of work. They value work-life balance and freedom over higher pay more than the generations before them.  And so they look for jobs that give them this. With an internet connection, you can now access everything you need to get your job done.  The idea of a 9-5 job and commuting to an office is dead.

Technological innovations have also affected work.  Communication and collaboration between people in different locations are now easier, more accessible and cheaper than ever before. Enterprise level services are now accessible for the independent contractor or budding entrepreneur.

We will only see these trends manifest themselves more and more.  One significant change we have started to see and will continue to grow is the need for enterprise mobility.

Enterprise mobility is an emerging trend as work habits shift. More employees work out of the office using mobile devices and online platforms. Enterprise mobility gives workers the ability to work from anywhere, anytime, and on any device.  And as organizations respond to the needs of their workers by offering more flexible workplace policies, workforce mobility will become even more commonplace.A

For organizations to effectively provide such options to their workforce, they must invest in the necessary technologies and tools to facilitate these changes. Regardless of how your organization chooses to address such changes, all organizations must understand, plan and adapt to the future of work. Failing to do so will only create greater recruiting and retainment challenges, ultimately reducing your ability to remain competitive.

How has your organization adapted to the changing world of work?

Kathleen Laney: laneysolutions.com

Laney Solutions is an executive and permanent search firm specializing in the parking industry.
As a niche search firm, we form genuine partnerships with clients to help them build a workforce for the future.
