Tag Archives for: Marlyn Group

PIE 2019: Are Candidates Flaky or Just Not That Into You?  – Vicki Pero,  Marlyn Group

February 25, 2019





PIE 2019: Are Candidates Flaky or Just Not That Into You?  – Vicki Pero,  Marlyn Group





Job candidates sometimes get a bad wrap from employers, because they don’t always follow through after applying for a job.  We’re letting ourselves off the hook a bit too easily if we put all of the blame on candidates though.  What gets overlooked in the labeling of candidates as flaky is a true understanding of the reasons why they disappear from the process.  Employers have a lot more control in the hiring process than they sometimes realize, and can keep candidates engaged and ultimately hired by making enhancements to the talent acquisition process.



Three areas that make a big difference in the process and can help your company stand apart from others competing for the same talent include:


  • Employer brand – does your website, social media and job ad content tell a story that will appeal to candidates and attract them to your company?
  • Application process – is it simple and easy or lengthy and complex?
  • Speed of the process – can candidates move quickly and efficiently from application to hire or are there time lags and many steps that draw out the process?


At the PIE Show on March 12th, I will be delivering a session focused on hourly workforce hiring in the parking industry called T-Minus 24 Hours to Hire The Best.  We will discuss these three areas and other ways you can improve your talent acquisition process so that your company has the opportunity to hire these applicants instead of someone else.



Vicki Pero

Principal, Marlyn Group



Marlyn Group is a consultancy specializing in building and advancing strong teams in the parking industry. Our holistic approach combines executive search and placement with management consulting to provide unique insights. From search to strategy, we shape and advise excellent teams to drive business and intrinsic results.  Learn more by visiting www.marlyngroupllc.com.

PIE 2019: The Words We Choose – Colleen M. Niese, Marlyn Group

February 19, 2019




PIE 2019: The Words We Choose – Colleen M. Niese, Marlyn Group





Who has the more effective voice in the room: the smart one or the articulate one?  My vote goes with the articulate one every time.  The most brilliant thought may not be heard in the moment if the speaker unknowingly gets hung up on a dreaded communications tick. We have all been on the receiving end of one of those ticks, namely:


  • “The Repeater” – that’s the one who shares the same sentiment over and over again by re-packaging it with different words.
  • “The Embellisher” – someone who may not know the exact details of any given point so opts for overly broad statements or exaggerated facts and figures.
  • “The Filler” – this is the profile that can fill the room with words but not many are quite sure the point.


Want to find out how to avoid the communications tick syndrome and help a conversation get back on track if you find yourself off point?  Then join me at this year’s PIE Show and Exhibition on March 13th to learn more about potential communications bear-traps and how to best articulate in any given situation, from a formal presentation to a spontaneous moment of speech and everything in between.



Colleen M. Niese

Principal, Marlyn Group



Marlyn Group is a consultancy specializing in building and advancing strong teams in the parking industry. Our holistic approach combines executive search and placement with management consulting to provide unique insights. From search to strategy, we shape and advise excellent teams to drive business and intrinsic results.  Learn more by visiting www.marlyngroupllc.com.

PIE 2019 – One Interview – Lots of New Hires: The Group Interview – Vicki Pero, Marlyn Group

February 11, 2019





PIE 2019 – One Interview – Lots of New Hires: The Group Interview – Vicki Pero, Marlyn Group




If you oversee a location that has high turnover at the hourly worker level or are about to open a location with several open positions to fill, you know interviewing, evaluating and hiring at a quick clip is essential to maintaining operational standards and meeting expectations. Sometimes taking the time needed to interview several individuals one by one simply isn’t feasible for the hiring manager due to the sense of urgency inherent in these operational situations. When time is of the essence, hiring managers can use a “Group Interview” approach to meet several applicants simultaneously to then evaluate and select, for either a second interview or in some cases, straight to hire.




When using the Group Interview approach, keep in mind job ads, the interview agenda and logistics, along with candidate communications all need to be analyzed and modified to ensure you attract a high number of applicants who align with the job expectations and requirements.  You’ll also have to consider a shift in effort for both HR and the hiring manager; i.e., HR likely has to put in a higher number of prep hours, however will spend less time on the back end with administering the iterative process that comes with single candidate interviews.


During my presentation at this year’s PIE Show and Exhibition on March 11th we’ll take a deeper dive on how to successfully establish and manage a Group Interview hiring process so that you can immediately put into play at your location a program whereby you gather as many applicants as you’d like to go through a set agenda that allows you to both interview and evaluate candidates at the same time, to hopefully hire a good number of folks who meet your requirements and move away from the days of just looking for bodies to put into a uniform!


Vicki Pero

Principal, Marlyn Group



Marlyn Group is a consultancy specializing in building and advancing strong teams in the parking industry. Our holistic approach combines executive search and placement with management consulting to provide unique insights. From search to strategy, we shape and advise excellent teams to drive business and intrinsic results.  Learn more by visiting www.marlyngroupllc.com.


PIE 2019: Who’s Emotional Button Pusher? – Colleen M. Niese, Marlyn Group

February 04, 2019






PIE 2019: Who’s Emotional Button Pusher? – Colleen M. Niese, Marlyn Group





Is there someone in your work life who just knows how to goad you? Within in minutes of any given exchange, you find yourself perhaps frustrated or shut down?  In our leadership development world, we call these folks “Emotional Button Pushers”.    We may promise ourselves that the next exchange with this particular profile, it’s going to be different and yet inevitably we end up in the same place.  Sometimes in these situations, our emotions can get the better of us and we end up saying something we regret later.  In the Emotional Intelligence (EI) world, experts call those moments an “Emotional Highjack”.  Interestingly enough, our bodies physically warn us of those moments before we hit the point of no return: there’s a change of voice tone or volume, faces feel flushed, palms sweaty, etc., it’s literally our physical selves warning: Danger! Danger! Turn around before it’s too late!


During my presentation at this year’s PIE Show and Exhibition on March 13th we’ll review different behavioral profiles and articulate to ourselves which ones push our personal emotional buttons and which ones swim easily in our same lane.  More importantly, we discuss ways to manage ourselves through any situation so we handle these emotional highjacks better and avoid agenda derailments like having to apologize for popping off!


Colleen M. Niese

Principal, Marlyn Group



Marlyn Group is a consultancy specializing in building and advancing strong teams in the parking industry. Our holistic approach combines executive search and placement with management consulting to provide unique insights. From search to strategy, we shape and advise excellent teams to drive business and intrinsic results.  Learn more by visiting www.marlyngroupllc.com.


PIE 2019: Please Don’t Tell Me What To Do – Colleen M. Niese, Marlyn Group

January 21, 2019





PIE 2019: Please Don’t Tell Me What To Do – Colleen M. Niese, Marlyn Group





Have you ever had a boss who typically barked orders and then got frustrated when the results didn’t magically appear?  We believe one, fundamental principle may be missing in this communications style:  he’s likely forgotten he’s leading adults.




As adults, we don’t usually like to be told what to do.  No matter how big or small the ask, employees will decide for themselves whether or not a) they will actually do it and b) the degree of effort they’ll put into completing it.  There’s a leadership theory that demonstrates the ratio between quality of results and the degree of individual effort.  It illustrates well that those individuals who receive direction only will choose to basically, just show up.  They’ll exert the minimum amount of effort needed to complete the task and move on, not super concerned about their performance, or lack thereof.


On the other side of the coin, those leaders who figure out how to both align work with skill set and the best way to involve each individual to go above and beyond to reach that common goal, usually see the resultsthey originally envisioned.  The first part is pretty straightforward: recruiters help hire people, accountants manage the finances, sales brings in new business, etc.  The second part is a bit more tricky.  It involves the leader truly understanding each personality, modifying his own communications style to be heard in equal measure around the table.


If you want to learn more how to be that leader, in terms of influencing others to achieve your objectives, then join me for a lively discussion at this year’s PIE Show and Exhibition on March 13th where you’re learn a bit more about your own personal style and as importantly, how to read others’ profiles to best be heard, everytime.



Colleen M. Niese

Principal, Marlyn Group



Marlyn Group is a consultancy specializing in building and advancing strong teams in the parking industry. Our holistic approach combines executive search and placement with management consulting to provide unique insights. From search to strategy, we shape and advise excellent teams to drive business and intrinsic results.  Learn more by visiting www.marlyngroupllc.com.




PIE 2019: Are Hourly Talent Acquisition Process Steps Dragging You Down? – Victoria L. Pero, Marlyn Group

January 14, 2019





PIE 2019: Are Hourly Talent Acquisition Process Steps Dragging You Down? – Victoria L. Pero, Marlyn Group





The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently announced job growth of 312,000 positions in December.  Two sectors with notable growth included Food Service and Retail – industries that parking competes with for top talent.   This makes the need for speed in hourly talent acquisition efforts more important than ever.  Imagine yourself in a foot race with competing companies to get in front of and hire top candidates first.




Initial candidate screening and the interview process are common drag points that can slow down recruitment efforts allowing talent to slip away to the competition.  Speed things up with a few changes to the process:


  • Make initial contact with candidates via text instead of phone or email.  This often gets a faster response and the success rate at actually speaking with a candidate quickly for initial screening will increase exponentially.
  • Establish a group interview program, so you can evaluate more candidates simultaneously and eliminate rounds of interviews and time involved meeting with each candidate one on one.  A huge side benefit of this approach is that when done well, this process allows for a more authentic evaluation of each candidate.


During my presentation at this year’s PIE Show and Exhibition on March 12th I talk specifically about tactics you can use to improve your hourly workforce talent acquisition processes, so you can fill open positions and focus on other priorities in your business.  Join me for this interactive session and take your recruitment efforts to the next level!


Victoria L. Pero

Principal, Marlyn Group



Marlyn Group is a consultancy specializing in building and advancing strong teams in the parking industry. Our holistic approach combines executive search and placement with management consulting to provide unique insights. From search to strategy, we shape and advise excellent teams to drive business and intrinsic results.  Learn more by visiting www.marlyngroupllc.com.


PIE 2019: Get Comfortable With “I Don’t Know” – Colleen Niese, Marlyn Group 

January 07, 2019

Get Comfortable With “I Don’t Know” – Colleen Niese, Marlyn Group 

Early in my career, I was terrified when someone asked me to do something that I had no idea how to accomplish.  I would run off on a secret mission to try and figure out how the heck I was going to resolve an issue, answer a question, whatever the request may have asked of me, all the while creating massive amounts of artificial stress.  As you can imagine, let’s just say the results were a mixed bag of hits and misses.  One of my best mentors once said to me: “The day you know everything, is the day you should retire.”  Meaning, as leaders our job isn’t to know all, our job is to recognize who (including ourselves) can and cannot do what to then line up the best person for each challenge, issue, project, etc.  It was a pivotal moment for me and from that point on, when asked to accomplish something I wasn’t super-confident on doing, my first question became (and remains) “who’s on my team?” 

During my presentation at this year’s PIE Show and Exhibition on March 13th I talk specifically about how important it is for leaders at any level to get comfortable with the phrase, “I don’t know” but to follow up with, “I’ll find out.” Then by doing so, you yourself learn whatever may be on hand and as well, model for others what it looks like to use humility and commitment as part of your leadership code, to rather be honest than attempt to be right and as importantly get stuff done to move the needle for your organization in the right direction.

Colleen M. Niese

Principal, Marlyn Group


Marlyn Group is a consultancy specializing in building and advancing strong teams in the parking industry. Our holistic approach combines executive search and placement with management consulting to provide unique insights. From search to strategy, we shape and advise excellent teams to drive business and intrinsic results.  Learn more by visiting www.marlyngroupllc.com. cm