Tag Archives for: Parken

17th EPA Congress und Parken 2015 – Analysis confirms the event as highlight of the industry

December 15, 2015




The evaluation of the delegate, exhibitor and visitor survey confirms the 17th EPA Congress as one of the most important knowledge platforms focusing on parking in Europe as well as the trade exhibition Parken as Germany´s industry meeting point on the subject planning, construction and operating of parking areas.

Top level knowledge exchange


Featuring expert views on „Parking in the world of tomorrow“ the diversified and top-class congress program offered with around
30 speakers insights into the latest trends and developments of the parking industry. 93 percent of the 546 delegates say that their expectations in the 17th EPA Congress were met and 91 percent recommend the event. Moreover, a majority of the delegates plan to participate in the EPA Congress 2017, which will take place in Rotterdam, Netherlands. These results reflect the EPA Congress as important platform for knowledge exchange.


Exhibitors meet their target group


The trade exhibition Parken offered 112 exhibitors the possibility to
present their products and solutions to an experienced audience.
84 percent of the exhibitors evaluate the quality of the visitors with very good/good. 80 percent of the visitors are involved in the procurement decisions of their companies and evaluate the discussions that were held with exhibitors as very good/good. Moreover, the quantity is confirmed with an increase in visitor numbers of 77 percent compared to the previous year.

Based on these results it is not surprising that 100 percent of the exhibitors recommend the trade exhibition and 93 percent plan to participate in Parken 2017 in Karlsruhe, Germany.


Visitors get a comprehensive market overview


More than three quarters of a total of 2,237 visitors rate the range of exhibitors and their portfolio as very good/good. Moreover,
95 percent report that they found products and solutions for their company. The recommendation rate of 95 percent reflects the satisfaction with the trade exhibition as meeting point for the industry. Furthermore, 75 percent of the visitors already plan today to visit Parken 2017.


Event with a high degree of internationality


The EPA Congress registered a share of international delegates of 45 percent. These are distributed over 31 countries worldwide, the Netherlands at the head. Of the total of 112 exhibitors
19 international companies came from a total of 13 countries. This corresponds an increase of international exhibitors of 46 percent compared to the previous event. The exhibiting countries include Great Britain, Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland. In addition, more than one third of the visitors came from abroad, which are distributed over 43 countries worldwide.


Note the dates for 2017


The 18th EPA Congress and Exhibition on “Parking in the City
Lounge“ will take place in Rotterdam, Netherlands, from
20 – 22 September 2017. The next trade exhibition Parken will be from 21 –22 June 2017 in Karlsruhe, Germany.


The comprehensive analysis and further information are available at epacongress.eu as well as at parken-exhibition.com.



About Mesago

Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, founded in 1982 and located in Stuttgart, specializes in exhibitions and conferences on various topics of technology. The company belongs to the Messe Frankfurt Group. Mesago operates internationally and is not tied to a specific venue. With 120 members of staff Mesago organizes events for the benefit of more than 2,700 exhibitors and over 100,000 trade visitors, conference delegates and speakers from all over the world. Numerous trade associations, publishing houses, scientific institutes and universities work with Mesago closely as advisers, co-organizers and partners. (mesago.com)