Tag Archives for: Parking Industry Day

CivicSmart To Feature Latest Smart Parking Innovations at Parking Services Industry Day

April 04, 2019




CivicSmart To Feature Latest Smart Parking Innovations at Parking Services Industry Day




WASHINGTON, DC.(April 5, 2019) –CivicSmart, Inc., an innovator of patented on-street parking sensors and other “Smart Parking” technologies, will be presenting their latest smart parking technologies in Washington DC as part of the Parking Services Industry Day.



Parking Services Industry Day will take place over two days on April 5 and 6 from 10AM to 4PM at the R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center in Washington DC. CivicSmart’s President & CEO, Mike Nickolaus, and Founder & CTO Balu Subramanya, will be present and will be showcasing several of CivicSmart’s industry leading solutions. These solutions include CivicSmart’s patented vehicle detection sensors, electronic permits, smart parking meters, and enforcement software. These offerings provide municipalities with a range of solution options such as: 1) Directed Enforcement 2) On-Street Parking Reservations 3) Park & Walk Payments 4) Curb and Loading Zone Management


Based in Milwaukee, CivicSmart’s patented “Smart Parking” solutions can be found in over 1,500 cities around the world. CivicSmart’s patented Vehicle Detection Sensors offer a reliable, low-cost solution for detecting vehicles in on-street parking spaces. The sensors provide real-time data with 99.5%+ accuracy and extremely low latency, allowing parking program managers to detect vehicles in a specific space and to reveal parking patterns, trends, and high demand areas. Paired with CivicSmart’s Liberty Next Gen smart parking meters, PEMS back-end management system and various third-party inventory applications, the sensors guide drivers to open parking spaces and alert enforcement officers to vehicles parked in violation.  CivicSmart also produces handheld enforcement solutions to help cities efficiently, fairly and accurately issue parking citations. CivicSmart integrates with dozens of parking industry partners as well as leading smart city integrators.


About the Parking Services Industry Day

Industry Day activities will include a presentation of DDOT’s intended scope of services for updated curbside asset management, and opportunities for companies to network and showcase their capabilities (e.g., hands-on demos).


About CivicSmart

CivicSmart, Inc., is a technology services and engineering company specializing in developing and delivering innovative parking and transportation offerings. CivicSmart solutions have been deployed globally on five continents and CivicSmart serves over 1,500 clients.  More information about CivicSmart is available at CivicSmart.com.