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March 21, 2022






Concord Control Management System as a Single Suite of Parking Software Solutions.




VANCOUVER, BC, – Concord Parking and SFU’s contract was announced effective June 2021.

Concord Parking has been awarded the contract to provide parking management services for Simon Fraser University, located in Burnaby, B.C. SFU is one of Canada’s largest universities with 37,000 students and 6,500 faculty and staff. This represents one of Concord Parking’s largest contracts to date. The SFU contract will allow Concord Parking to showcase newly developed in-house parking management software designed specifically for university applications.

“SFU will be completely automating the permit purchase process for students, faculty and staff utilizing Concord Parking’s self-hosted permit management software. Additionally, we are providing parking enforcement with Concord’s mobile License Plate Recognition (LPR) vehicle and violation management software,”
said Concord’s Director of Parking and Branch Leadership, Marc Postlethwaite.

Prior to introducing Concord Parking’s solution, SFU staff had to walk through each parking lot and inspect each vehicle’s windshield for a permit. “We are excited that Concord’s solution will save them time and effort. We want to maintain high standards for customer service and communication with the public as representatives of the University. We will incorporate the same standards as part of our operating plan,” shared Michael Murray, Concord Parking President.

Further, Concord Parking is responsible for servicing and maintaining 14 T2/Digital Luke II LPR pay stations located throughout the SFU Burnaby campus and managing violation payments and disputes for SFU.

Concord Control Integration with CAS and Permit Group Segregation

SFU students, faculty, and staff gained access to their individual online accounts through CAS. Each user is assigned a unique username and password to log into their account. An active CAS account is required for online permit purchase. As part of the Concord Control implementation, the team developed the software programming required for Control to communicate with CAS and authenticate the user prior to accessing the permit purchase portal. Additionally, they are able to identify CAS user groups by student, faculty, or staff classification. This allowed SFU to segregate permit purchase options for each user group. For example, a student user will only see permit options available to students. They will not have access to see permit options available to faculty and staff.



Permit and Violation Management for Multiple Sites

SFU can now manage both the Burnaby and Surrey permit and violation systems from a single login through Concord Control. This eliminates the need to have separate applications of permit and violation management software for each campus.

Permit Access Codes

Access to certain permits required pre-authorization from the parking office. With this requirement, Concord Parking implemented the option for online permits to require an access code to be entered prior to registration and purchase. The parking office creates access codes through their Concord Control management portal for distribution to approved users. Codes can be programmed for single use or for multiple uses.

SFU Department Day Permit Self-Management

Prior to the implementation of Concord Control, Faculty Departments contacted the SFU parking office directly to obtain day passes issued to visitors. This was a time-consuming and inefficient process for visitor permit management. To streamline the process and eliminate this responsibility for the parking office, the Concord Control Validation program was implemented for all SFU Departments to self-manage their visitor permits. Each Department was issued a login credential and unique authorization code by the parking office to access our validation app. Department administrators can now register guests online themselves for visitor permits. Visitor permits can be registered the “day of” or can be programmed for future dates. Future date permits will automatically activate and deactivate on the specified date. On a monthly basis, the Parking Office runs a permits issued report by Department and creates an invoice based on the number of permits issued. The report is also included with the invoice as a backup.

Concord’s solution process and implementation successfully allowed SFU to focus time and energy on what was needed to meet their business needs.


Concord Parking

Concord Parking provides its clients with specialized parking management services designed to enhance customer parking experiences while utilizing the best in industry technology for License Plate Recognition (LPR) enforcement, violation & data management, and patrol enforcement. https://concordparking.com/


#925 – 4710 Kingsway Metrotower I, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5H 4M2T: 604 689 4005 F: 604 689 3244 www.concordparking.com