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Slava Ukraini – ParkNews.biz Feb 22nd – 28th, 2022

February 28, 2022



Slava Ukraini – ParkNews.biz Feb 22nd – 28th, 2022





“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.” – John Stuart Mill

I was born in Poland.  My last name is Polish or Ukrainian.  I was a kid when the soldiers came to our house Dec 1981.  The tanks on the streets, the curfews and uniforms and guns all over Warsaw.  Yet, thankfully there was no war then.  Not like when my Mom was born in 1941 after her father got killed in WWII.  My family came to the USA on political asylum due to my parents work and activism.

What is happening in Ukraine, is atrocious.  It is heartbreaking.  It is unimaginable.  The pain of our past, is awaken.  I have been in touch with my friends in Kyiv, my relatives in Poland, and my Ukrainian friends in the USA. My family and friends in Poland, are opening their homes, to Ukrainian women and children who crossed the border, after the most arduous journey and crossing.  I pray, the Russian soldiers will disobey Putin and listen to the Lord and put down weapons.  I know that most of them don’t want to be in this war.  They don’t want to be killing innocent people.

I pray that our current administration reopens our energy resources, and makes us energy independent from Russia and others.  I pray for all the brave Ukrainians who don’t give up.  And most of all, I pray for the Lord to protect us all.  I pray for peace for the world.

John wrote a blog today, Feb 28, 2022 – The Road to Kyiv: We forget History at our Peril – JVH, Parking Today.  From the article JVH mentions: “His (Putin’s) tripartite semi-circular attack on Ukraine is uncannily similar to Hitler’s 1939 invasion of Poland from East Prussia, Germany, and the dismembered Czechoslovakia. But even Hitler who was helped later by the invasion of the Soviet Union from the east, lost 50,000 dead and wounded from a poorly equipped Polish army.”

Ukraine is IMBY of my heart!  I am an American yet since my life begun in Poland, Poland, Ukraine and Eastern Europe are my home.  I understand we are far away here in the USA.  Yet, the war in Ukraine and its outcome will affect us all.  We can never take our security and peace for granted!

Since words fail me these last few days, here are some pictures from Ukraine:


(in the video she asks in Ukrainian for Mr. Putin to stop)


(Irena, 98 years old wrote here: I survived Holodomor and Hitler an I will survive Putin Lilliputian with his locust)


(this Russian soldier says, Mama, I didn’t want to drive on/ invade/ go to Ukraine)


President Zelenskyy – A Jew, a grandson of WWII veteran.  Many of his relatives perished in the Holocaust)


(Feb 28th, 2022 – Skies over Ukraine – Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”)

God bless Ukraine and all of us!


Astrid Ambroziak

Editor, ParkNews.biz

Creative Director

Parking Today

310 390 5277 ext 9

