Science says it is Monotasking not Multitasking that leads to success – Feb 16th – Feb 22nd, 2021
Science says it is Monotasking not Multitasking that leads to success – Feb 16th – Feb 22nd, 2021
“Focusing is about saying No.”
This week on, JVH tackles the fallacy of multitasking being a virtue. “‘I know the Zoom call was shaky – it was probably because someone has a slow internet connection. No problem, I was multi-tasking anyway.’” Read it here Feb 22, 2021 – Is Multi-tasking All its Cracked Up to Be? – JVH, Parking Today.
When did it all begin that folks take pride in multitasking? And did the current pandemic zoom culture contribute to this? Or perhaps we women have created this misconception?
Because women who raise and nurture children often are forced to multitask. There is simply no luxury not to do so. Yet, even in raring our children, multitasking creates a lot of damage.
According to Stanford University Study, multitaskers pay mental price. ““They’re suckers for irrelevancy,” said communication Professor Clifford Nass, one of the researchers whose findings are published in the Aug. 24, 2009 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Everything distracts them.” “The researchers are still studying whether chronic media multitaskers are born with an inability to concentrate or are damaging their cognitive control by willingly taking in so much at once. But they’re convinced the minds of multitaskers are not working as well as they could.”
From an article in Forbes, by Barnaby Lashbrooke, “Want To Improve Your Focus And Productivity? Stop Trying To Multitask”: “Boil it down to its essence and productivity is simply a game of attention and concentration. Choose one task, remove likely distractions, dial up the focus, and suddenly you’re in that flow state that we all find so hard to achieve.”
Thus, the key is to focus. To be fully present with what is and then hopefully getting in the flow of things to the point, that we might not hear the telephone ringing, when we are fully absorbed in our project. And therefore, we can create something that is of value. Deep focus and not multitasking ought to be our mantra.
And speaking of deep focus, here are some companies this week on who are showing just that:
ParkMobile, brings contactless parking to Emeryville, CA. ParkMobile also partners with Google to offer paying for parking directly from Google Maps. “To make a parking payment, a user taps the “pay for parking” button from driving navigation in Google Maps. They are then taken directly to the ParkMobile section in the Google Pay app, where they enter their parking zone number, add time, and finish the payment with any credit or debit card saved to their Google Pay account If it is the user’s first-time using Google Pay to park, the user also has to enter the car’s license plate number. Once the session has started, the user can easily extend parking time from the Google Pay app without going back to the meter.”
PayByPhone on another hands, partnered with Epic Parking to bring contactless parking to the Toronto Area. ‘“Epic Parking and other Private lot operators around the world are looking at parking more strategically – clearly understanding the impact of parking on its residents and visitors,” said Roamy Valera, CEO of PayByPhone. “We strive to bring our experience to our parking operator partnerships to deliver a safe and frictionless parking experience for their operations and their drivers.”’
In other PT Plus news, a.lot has been helping to fill up hotels’ empty parking lots. Check out Feb 18, 2021 – PT Plus: Filling up hotels’ empty parking lots: a.Lot Parking on a mission in Hollywood to learn more.
Last but not least, congratulations to Alex Israel and Metropolis for “raising $41 million in financing the company raised from investors, including the real estate managers Starwood and RXR Realty; Dick Costolo and Adam Bain’s 01 Advisors; Dragoneer; former Facebook employees Sam Lessin and Kevin Colleran’s Slow Ventures; Dan Doctoroff, the head of Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs initiative; and NBA All Star and early-stage investor, Baron Davis. Global growth equity firm 3L led the round.”
Stay focused and have a blessed week.
Astrid Ambroziak
Creative Director
Parking Today
310 390 5277 ext 9