Road to PIE 2022: You are the best kept secret that must be known and appreciated!
Road to PIE 2022: You are the best kept secret that must be known and appreciated!
Dear PIE 2022 Exhibitor,
We are on the Road to PIE 2022! Our Conference and Expo are just around the corner, May 15th-19th, 2022 held at Grand Sierra Resort, in this most magical small town America that Reno is. As one of the best kept secrets of the USA that it is being discovered, by huge number of people moving there from California and other states daily.
Apropos of secrets: Do you want to be a secret, even if the best kept secret, or do you want to be seen, known and understood? And thus, have others know what solutions you can provide to those looking for solutions?
William James said: “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”
And being appreciated is understanding first and being understood second. Thus, create your own seat the table of PIE 2022: Understand and be understood.
Brian Bullen has created a special email blast that will let are PIE 2022 attendees know what is on menu: Your products, your cases studies, your solutions, your tools that make the parking experience better for everyone involved. Through telling your story, we guarantee you will fill up your PIE 2022 table and you are not to be missed.
Starting in February, we will have a 4 month series of email blasts going out all the way leading to PIE 2022. In 250 words (more is an option) tell your story and engaged others.
Create your calling cards to your presence at PIE 2022 and showcase you are ready to listen, ask questions and then solve all the problems of the parking world.
You are at PIE 2022 and you mean business. You can’t be missed. You are relevant and every customer will appreciate you for your listening and your skills.
Tell your story: The 4 month email blast series is only $2500. However, the space is limited and Brian has it almost sold out.
Please immediately, reach out to Brian Bullen at for more details and to me at
Don’t stay hidden under the bushel. It is your duty to showcase your light! Be the best known little secret that everyone needs to appreciate!
Thank you!
Astrid Ambroziak
Creative Director
Parking Today
310 390 5277 ext 9