Tag Archives for: ROUSH CleanTech

ROUSH CleanTech: Propane Engines Reach Record Low Emissions

March 22, 2019






ROUSH CleanTech: Propane Engines Reach Record Low Emissions





Propane engines are aiming low — and for good reason. Recently, new ROUSH CleanTech technology has enabled propane engines to reach near-zero emissions, outdoing other alternative-fueled engines. These engines meet stringent certifications, reach almost no emissions, and reduce a parking management company’s environmental footprint.


Meeting Rigorous Certifications

The primary source of nitrogen oxide (NOx)is motor vehicles. According to a recent study, diesel medium- and heavy-duty vehicles are the number one source of NOx emissions in almost every single metropolitan region in the U.S. Approximately 55 percent of man-made NOx emissions come from motor vehicles.


All engines of any fuel type must be certified to the Environmental Protection Agency’s standard to control vehicle emissions. Over the years, the EPA has set tougher emissions standards on NOx. Since 2010, the NOx engine standard has been 0.20 g/bhp-hr.  The California Air Resources Board established optional low-NOx standards well below the EPA standard.


In 2017, ROUSH CleanTech developed the first propane autogas engine available in class 4-7 vehicles certified to CARB’s optional low NOx level 0.05 g/bhp-hr. These engines are 75 percent cleaner than the current emissions standard.


Then, in 2018, the alternative-fuel technology company developed an engine certified to 0.02 g/bhp-hr, which is 90 percent cleaner than the current EPA’s most stringent heavy-duty engine standard. The end result is a seamless, turnkey solution for customers.


At the 0.02 NOx level, it takes 10 propane autogas vehicles to emit as much NOx as one clean-diesel vehicle.


Reaching Near-Zero Emissions

These same engines can reach near-zero emissions by fueling with renewable propane. These ultra-low NOx propane engines can help parking management companies take a giant leap toward meeting an airport’s or state’s clean air standards while still providing a significant operating cost reduction over their current fleet.


What is renewable propane? It’s a non-fossil fuel that is produced from 100 percent renewable raw materials, such as waste, residue and sustainably produced vegetable oils. There is growing interest in renewable propane (also known as biopropane) due to its near-zero emission levels, reduced greenhouse gases and ability to help meet growing demand for cleaner products.


Reducing Emissions

Vehicle emissions can be divided into two general categories: air pollutants like NOx, which contribute to smog, haze and health problems; and greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane.


Propane autogas is naturally lower in harmful emissions. Vehicles fueled by propane autogas emit fewer greenhouse gases, less carbon monoxide, and fewer particulate emissions than models fueled by gasoline.


When compared to conventional diesel, fueling with propane autogas results in an estimated 80 percent reduction in smog-forming hydrocarbon emissions and virtually eliminates particulate matter.


Propane autogas engines all run on nontoxic, colorless and clean-burning propane autogas, which is an approved alternative fuel under the Clean Air Act. In contrast to nontoxic propane, as little as one gallon of spilled gasoline can quickly contaminate groundwater above drinking water health advisory levels.


Lessens Environmental Effect

Nitrogen oxides are a group of gases known as a primary contributor to acid rain, smog and other air quality issues. The EPA states that exposure to NOx can trigger health problems such as asthma and other respiratory issues. That’s a main catalyst for CARB to encourage heavy-duty engine manufacturers to reduce levels below the current mandatory EPA standard.


NOx emissions are regulated under federal air quality standards because they are known to be harmful to human health and to the environment, contributing to regional ozone attainment challenges, smog and other air-quality issues. Heavy-duty diesel trucks are the single largest source of NOx emissions, contributing to smog in a majority of the nation’s most populated urban regions. According to the EPA, operating vehicles with ultra-low emission engines can make significant improvements to regional air quality and reduce a wide variety of human health impacts.


Parking management companies can significantly lower their carbon footprint by adopting clean-burning propane autogas vehicles. They can reduce costs, too. Click hereto learn how fleets can reduce their costs with propane Autogas.


Visit ROUSHcleantech.com, reach out to Joe Rudolph at Joe.Rudolph@roush.com or call 800.59.ROUSH to learn more.

ROUSH CleanTech: Reduce Costs with Propane Autogas Vehicles

February 25, 2019




ROUSH CleanTech: Reduce Costs with Propane Autogas Vehicles




Vehicles fueled by propane autogas are ideal for businesses that demand consistent performance day in and day out, like those in the parking industry. And, alternative-fueled options, like ROUSH CleanTech’s line-up of propane-powered Ford commercial vehicles, can help parking management companies reduce their fleet’s bottom line.




There are more than 27 million on-road vehicles fueled by propane autogas around the world. Propane is the leading alternative fuel in the United States and the third most commonly used vehicle fuel, following gasoline and diesel. In the U.S., there are about 19,000 propane-fueled vehicles equipped with ROUSH CleanTech technology on the road.


Companies don’t need to have a large fleet to reap the benefits — current propane fuel system technology enables you to order the number of vehicles needed, whether that’s one or a dozen or 100. This is especially attractive to parking companies that want to adopt new fuel technology as current aging vehicles need replacement.


The fuel that powers these vehicles, propane autogas,costs less per gallon than conventional fuels. On average, propane is about 40 percent less than gasoline and 50 percent less than diesel. In addition to fuel cost savings, parking companies have experienced lower costs for oil changes and routine maintenance due to the fuel’s clean-burning properties.


“Our mechanic is astonished at how clean the oil is when our propane vehicles are due for service, and our drivers say that the propane vehicles function better than our gasoline vehicles, especially during cold winter months,” said John Groden, operations manager for Colonial Airport Parking.



Some transportation contractors have experienced 50 percent savings in maintenance. Compared with diesel, engines powered by propane autogas require less oil per oil change (7 quarts vs. 17 – 30 quarts), and no additional diesel emissions fluids or hardware.Propane vehicles eliminate the need for particulate trap systems, EGR systems, and turbochargers and intercoolers.Filter packages cost about 60 percent less on propane vehicles.


With modern propane autogas systems, the propane remains in a liquid state until it gets to the cylinder. This has alleviated cold start issues associated with vapor technology propane systems of the past. A propane fuel system provides unaided cold weather starts to -40 degrees Fahrenheit — reducing time and labor costs on those frigid days.


Comparing total cost of ownership between various vehicles also helps fleet managers make a more informed decision. The higher the annual miles driven and the lower the vehicle’s fuel efficiency, the more likely propane autogas will provide a quick return on investment.How much could a parking operator’s fleet save with propane? This savings calculator from the Propane Education & Research Council helps measure lifetime operating and ownership costs.


There are several funding opportunities available to help pay for these alternative fuel vehicles, too. The U.S. Energy Department’s Alternative Fuels Data Center lists state and federal fundingopportunities, and propane autogas vehicles could be eligible for funding from the Volkswagen settlement’s Environmental Mitigation Trust. Depending on your state’s EMT plan to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in accordance with this settlement, funding for Class 4-8 shuttle buses could be included.



Visit ROUSHcleantech.com, reach out to Joe Rudolph at Joe.Rudolph@roush.comor call 800.59.ROUSH to learn more.




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ROUSH CleanTech First to Receive CARB’s HD-OBD Certification for Propane Autogas Engines

April 12, 2018



ROUSH CleanTech First to Receive CARB’s HD-OBD Certification for Propane Autogas Engines



All Ford 6.8L 2V and 3V engines certified to same guidelines as gasoline



LIVONIA, MICH.  — ROUSH CleanTech is the first propane autogas fuel system manufacturer to receive the Environmental Protection Agency’s and California Air Resources Board’s heavy duty-onboard diagnostics certification for all its engines. Until 2018 model year, alternative fuel vehicles had been exempt from this certification, but are now held to the same requirements as gasoline vehicles.


“Vehicles powered by a fuel other than gasoline or diesel should no longer be considered alternative,” said President Todd Mouw. “As shown by the regulatory agencies decisions to require all fuels in its HD-OBD certification, propane autogas and others like compressed natural gas are moving into the mainstream.”


This HD-OBD certification applies to all vehicles over 14,000 lbs GVWR. The onboard monitors will now track and report out the continuing compliance of the emissions performance of the vehicle, as they have since 2016 for gasoline vehicles. Passenger cars and light-duty vehicles have come equipped with onboard diagnostic systems since the 1990s.


All of ROUSH CleanTech’s propane autogas-fueled vehicles with Ford 6.8L 2V and 3V engines, including medium-duty fleet vehicles and school buses, are covered under the CARB HD-OBD certification. The 3V engine is also the first and only propane autogas engine available in class 4-7 vehicles certified to the optional low nitrogen oxide level of 0.05 g/bhp-hr.


“We continue to invest in innovative technology and the customer experience” said Mouw. “Our customers deserve the best alternative-energy solutions we can bring to allow them to meet their economic and environmental sustainability goals.”


About ROUSH CleanTech: ROUSH CleanTech, an industry leader of alternative fuel vehicle technology, is a division of ROUSH Enterprises based in Livonia, Michigan. ROUSH CleanTech designs, engineers, manufactures and installs propane autogas fuel system technology for medium-duty Ford commercial vehicles, and Type A and Type C Blue Bird school buses, and compressed natural gas fuel systems for Type C Blue Bird school buses. As a Ford QVM-certified alternative fuel vehicle manufacturer, ROUSH CleanTech delivers economical, clean and domestically produced fueling options for fleets across North America. Learn more at ROUSHcleantech.com or by calling 800.59.ROUSH.