Tag Archives for: transporatiatation

Will you be driving to work or taking public transportation?  – ParkNews.biz Jan 19th- 25th, 2021.

January 25, 2021



Will you be driving to work or taking public transportation?  – ParkNews.biz Jan 19th– 25th, 2021.



California is finally opening.  Today, Newsom, our Governor, cancelled our stay at home orders.  “The change, which takes effect immediately, could lessen restrictions in the Southern California, Bay Area and San Joaquin Valley regions, which were still under stay-at-home orders, unless local officials adopt stronger restrictions. Throughout the pandemic, local leaders have been allowed to go beyond the state’s rules, approve their own stay-at-home orders or shut down additional activities they deem too risky for their areas.” (LA Times)

Gov Newson is getting recalled.  Why are we not Florida?  One Man or all Men are the difference?


“Tsars, Kings, Emperors,
sovereigns of all the earth,
have commanded many a parade,
but they could not command humor.” – Yevgeny Yevtushenko


And humor, irony and curiosity moves us forward.


How do we come together are as a parking industry?  We need face to face meetings.  We need people not being afraid and driving parking. Don’t you miss seeing your peers in person?  We used to have too many conferences, now we have none.  But they will be back with full mighty and better than ever.

On ParkNews.biz there is an article: “Parking lot accidents can be prevented.”  Otherwise easy to be missed yet, it talks about traffic and full parking lots and people going back to work.  It says that after Covid and Holidays, new days “will require an adjustment to the hustle and bustle of the daily traffic challenges and parking garages.” That is music to my ears.  Traffic and full parking lots and searching for a spot is dreamy.

As is dressing up and going to the actual office.  Is there an allergy medicine to zoom?  Since we can’t meet in person, why can’t we simply talk on the phone?  Why do we have to look at each other on squares while none of us are not that pretty?

There are all these predictions if we will go back to our offices.  From what I hear, people are eager to go back.  Staying at home orders have made us all eager to be home after venturing and accomplishing.   But not being home 24/7.

On ParkNews, we have created Parking Today Plus.  It will be a source for all your press releases attached to the magazine and not just mentioned in the industry new.  Yes, there is a fee for the membership.. Send me a note I might get you a discount.

In other news: Pete the new transportation guy says yes to highway improvements.  Yet he is going to give a fortune to get us back into busses and train and trams.   Jan 25, 2021 – Buttigieg ‘to put $150bn’ into public transit or ParkNews.biz. 

After pandemic will you get on the subway if your city has one?  Will you take a bus?  Or will you blissfully hop into your car and drive to work or to any event and enjoy searching and paying for parking?


Thank you,


Astrid Ambroziak

Editor, ParkNews.biz

Creative Director PT

Parking Today

310 390 5277 ext 9




PIE 2021
Renaissance Schaumburg Convention

Center & Hotel – Schaumburg, IL
May 17-19, 2021





