Tag Archives for: Transportations

Moving Forward – PIE 2021, EVs, Living to the Fullest – ParkNews.biz May 4th -10th,  2021

May 10, 2021




Moving Forward – PIE 2021, EVs, Living to the Fullest – ParkNews.biz May 4th -10th,  2021




“Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant.”  – Seneca



The headline for this week newsletter is about Uber and Lyft and their race to the EV future.  You can read it here:  May 10, 2021 – How Uber and Lyft Are Losing the Race to the Electric Future.

“Today, a miniscule 0.5% of ride-hailing vehicles in the U.S. are electric, according to clean-energy research firm BloombergNEF, trailing the 0.7% of EVs in the country’s passenger vehicle fleet. By the end of the decade, only a quarter of new car sales in the U.S. are expected to be electric. For ride-hailing fleets to be entirely electric by then, they’ll have to somehow go from lagging behind.”  As it is right now, TNC’s don’t exactly help the environment: “each ride-hailing trip causes about 69% more greenhouse gases than the trips they displace, according to a report last year from the Union of Concerned Scientists.”  And what will happen down the line, only the Lord knows.  Perhaps gas prices going up in such a speedy manner, we get the ride share drivers switch to electric cars despite the cost involved.

In the meantime, at least in Sweden, it is easier than ever to drive an EV.  Read it here: May 6, 2021 – Easypark Expands the Possibilities for Electric Car Charging – Now With InCharge in the App.  In 2021 more and more people are buying rechargeable cars. 37% of newly registered cars in Sweden were all electric or hybrids vs 28% in 2020.

This week there is also a follow up from our JVH apropos of Tony Jordan and his views on the EV future.  For one, John agrees with Tony: May 4, 2021 – Hell Freezes over, JVH and Tony Agree – JVH, Parking Today.

Congratulations to PayByPhone.  They are celebration reaching 43 million users and 20 years in business: May 4, 2021 – PT Plus: PaybyPhone Announces 43 Million Registered Users.

Last but not least, PIE 2021 is just a bit over 2 months away.  JVH and I have been working on the seminar schedule.  We appreciate that so many of you want to present and speak.  Yet, we are determined to focus on engagement and listening, thus our space is limited.  We want to celebrate, learn and encourage each other, to make our industry better and stronger than ever.  We can’t wait to see you July 18th, 2021 in Dallas, TX.  Read more from JVH about #PIExpo2021 here: May 5, 2021 – All you can say is “WOW!” – #PIExpo2021 – JVH, Parking Today

So book your ticket to the great state of Texas and register for PIE 2021 here: https://pieshow.parkingtoday.com/attendee_rates.cfm

As Seneca has said: Fate assists the ones who move forward not the ones who live in a doubt.

Have a blessed week.

Thank you,

Astrid Ambroziak

Editor, ParkNews.biz

Creative Director

Parking Today

310 390 5277 ext 9

